OFSTED Inspection
I’m delighted to be able to attach the Ofsted report from their inspection earlier this month. The headline news is that the team graded school as ‘Good’ across all areas of the framework and were very positive about the work that was happening. The full report is attached but I have summarised some of their findings for you below.
‘The school is a happy place and pupils feel safe and are proud to attend Hillsborough’.
‘Children show consideration and respect to others and this results in good behaviour, both in and out of lessons’.
‘The early years provides a caring and positive start to school life’.
‘The school provides good care and guidance for pupils’ learning’.
‘Staff are enthusiastic and hardworking and there are strong relationships between adults and children’.
‘The school provides well-planned provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development’.
‘Pupils are polite, friendly and show consideration for others’.
‘The improvements made to the quality of teaching are significantly contributing to higher achievement for all groups of pupils in reading, writing and mathematics throughout the school’.