Year 3
Year 3 Summer Update
Active Health Week
The week beginning 14th June 2021 is Active Health Week here at Hillsborough. The children have had the opportunity to sample a wide range of activities including Yoga, Karate, Hula Hooping, Tri-Golf and more.
We have learned about the importance of eating well and choosing healthy drinks. We have also looked at reasons to be active and reasons why rest is so important as well.
We have even designed and made our own fruit smoothies!
Parents Evening
This year Parents Evening appointments will be done over the phone. Appointments are being sent home this week with the children and you may also receive a reminder on Seesaw. Your appointment will be on Wednesday June 30th or Wednesday July 7th with Miss Roddis or Mrs Laing.
The children are enjoying our final topic of Year 3 – Sheffield. Please try to have a discussion about our topic words. This will help the children to better understand these terms.
P.E Days
Our P.E days have changed.
They are now Tuesdays and Fridays
Autumn 2
Tomb raider or Trader?
We are really excited about our topic this half term! We came back from lunch to find that our classroom door had been barricaded! Like Howard Carter, we were intrigued what was behind it and had to break it down! We found a long, narrow tunnel and crawled through it! We found lots of different artefacts and this half term we are going to be finding out about why they were important to the Egyptians!
Autumn 1
At the beginning of the term we read a story called " After the Fall". It was a lovely story about Humpty Dumpty and what happened after his fall. In pairs we were given an egg too look after. We had to design and make it some clothes and create a little bed for it to sleep in. We ensured our eggs were kept safe and gave them a relaxing bedtime routine.
This half term we have been learning about Castles. We have been learning about why castles were built and comparing ways of life in the past and to our lives now. We also found out there are remains of a castle in our city!
We have all really settled in well in Year 3. We are really proud of how the children have started the new school year and we can't wait to discover new learning!
Keep up the good work everyone!
Welcome to Year 3!
The teachers in Foundry Class are Miss Roddis and Mrs Laing.
The teacher in Boulsover Class is Mrs Cooper.
Miss Crookes will support in both classes.
Please do not hesitate to speak to any of us regarding the learning or well being of your child. We look forward to working together over the coming year.