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Hillsborough Nursery & Primary School

Believe. Belong. Become.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


The teacher in Class Millstone is Mrs Bailey and the teacher in Class Crucible is Mrs Turner.


Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday, although having P.E. kit in school all week is a good idea.

Also please ensure your child does not wear jewellery on these days.





Autumn 1


Our topic for Autumn 1 is volcanoes.  We will be geographers and geologists learning all about why we have volcanoes and what leads to their eruption.


We will be going to Magna on a class trip to investigate this further.


In English we will be writing a Volcano poem and a newspaper report about a volcanic eruption.


Maths will focus on place value and on addition and subtraction skills.


In science our topic will be properties and changes of materials.

Our 3D Volcanoes

Working in groups on a maths investigation


Autumn 2


Our topic for Autumn 2 is the Romans.  We will be historians investigating the daily life of Romans and thinking about what the Romans did for us.


A trip to consolidate our learning will follow in Spring 1.


In English we will be writing a non-chronological report about the Romans, a diary entry and a story.


Maths will focus on multiplication skills along with shape and angles.


In science our topic will be forces.


Script for Lights.Camel. Action!

A Parent's Guide to Good Independent Learning Habits
